How to learn pronunciation with ChatGPT: A Beginner’s Guide

How to use ChatGPT to help you learn pronunciation. Read this post to find out more!

How to listen for pronunciation?

How to improve your pronunciation? It takes time, but if you follow these simple steps, it will do wonders! PREPARATION […]

Aukcja dla WOŚP

Zapraszam do mojej licytacji dla Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy!


Web tools and mobile apps that can be used when learning and teaching pronunciation and accents.

Wymowa angielskich słów

Oto słowa, których wymowa sprawia Polakom największy problem

Wywiad dla Radia Kampus

ROZMOWA O WYMOWIE ANGIELSKIEJ (17.07.2020): Katarzyna Sak (Radio Kampus) i Beata Walesiak rozmawiają o tym, jak uczymy się wymowy.

Nauka wymowy przez YouTube?

Czy można uczyć się wymowy i poznawać nowe akcenty przy pomocy Youtube?

Pronunciation teaching – books

Below, you will find a list of books for teachers of English (EFL) with a number of pronunciation-oriented activities and […]

Pronunciation learning – books

Below, you will find a list of pronunciation books for self-study or group practice. If you are a teacher and […]

IPA charts

Below, you will find a list of sound charts available in 2024, which can help you learn pronunciation. A sound […]

About Pronkit

Pronkit is made up of tips and links that will guide you how to learn the pronunciation of English by […]

Pronunciation apps (2017)

Below excerpts from Beata Walesiak’s article on mobile (Android) pronunciation apps available from Google Play in 2017. Full article is […]